Graphene is a versatile material that is flexible, strong, transparent, and thin. Its chemical properties allow it to function as an energy conductor (electrical and thermal). Since successfully discovering the vast potentials of graphene, the laboratory findings are being converted into products that will positively impact society. To date, 46 products have been launched from graphene research. The expected value of the graphene market is €100 million by 2020 and up to €550 million by 2025.
As a result of its inherent properties, graphene has potential applications for the automotive and aeronautics industries, batteries, ICT, etc. It also has a great deal of potential in material science since it can be combined with other materials. Being the fourth most abundant element, graphene could take the place of many rare earth elements and result in more ecological natural resources use.
Despite strong research promising findings, any great discovery might find itself stagnating without the right funding to scale up. No one knows this better than Graphene Flagship Executive Board Chair, Ken Teo: “The Graphene Flagship, now halfway through its 10 year programme, is uniquely positioned to take emerging graphene-based technologies from the lab to fab. We have assessed many of the scientific breakthroughs and can see their potential commercial application in a variety of applications; and as such, we will strive to realize future Graphene-based products by increasing the number of spearhead projects, industrial partners, and business development activities.”