Expert and Solutions Partner Programme

Partner with EMDESK

Join the Expert and Solutions Partner Programme and expend your service offers with professional project management software, expert support and resources you need to become the partner that makes your customers successful.

The Partner Programme is an ecosystem of companies and industry experts that provide project management services, among other services. Whether you are looking to expand your services, attract new customers, or improve customer retention, EMDESK experts provide ongoing support to partners to help them grow with their customers and improve their experience.

The Partner Programme is designed for customer-focused consultancies and service providers who want to grow their business and position themselves for the future with the latest software technologies.

We are a good fit if your company operates the following:

1 Provides consulting on business, technology, project management strategies.
2 Offers implementations that address project management, system integrations, IT services.
3 Offers practical services in the areas of proposal writing or grant acquisition.
4 Offers practical services in the areas of project planning, implementation and controlling.

Benefits of the Partner Programme

Extend your portfolio with professional project management solutions

Start a recurring revenue stream selling EMDESK licenses and services

Access to individual, simplified and discounted fees

Broaden your client reach as we refer our users to your services upon their request

Reach 25,000+ subscribers through our content distribution network

Showcase your services with expert sessions and articles

Waive any setup or onboarding fees for your clients

Access to EMDESK trainings and certifications

List as a regional partner with a certified badge

Join a global community of like-minded professionals

Engagement models

Expert partners

Expert partners are consultancies and experts that provide complementary services to clients from project idea to project completion to ensure their success. As an Expert Partner, you gain access to our content distribution network to showcase your expertise.

  • Provide paid consultancy service to our users on their request
  • Engage in EMDESK Academy
  • Hold short webinars or expert sessions
  • Publish articles with firsthand expertise and knowledge

Solution partners

Solution partners integrate EMDESK into their service portfolio and recommend, as well as resell EMDESK solutions to their clients. If you wish, you can further take over the entire customer lifecycle – onboard, train and provide support.

  • Integrate into service portfolio
  • Resell with commission
  • Sell and provide onboardings and trainings
  • Provide local/regional support and contact point

Partner with EMDESK

Contact us to discuss your engagement model and join our network today.


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