Expert Session Review: EM Guidelines for data management

During this webinar H2020 experts gave us tips on how to start a data management plan, what to consider, what to include, and how to fulfil the FAIR principles in Horizon 2020.

Svetlana Myagkova | Jun 4. 2020

For generating new research and fostering innovation, open access to research data is becoming more and more important in EU funded projects. As for Horizon 2020 (H2020), your project will automatically opt-in to the Open Research Data Pilot initiative. How to manage it? During this webinar Gabriella and Frosina explain how to start a data management plan development, what to consider, what to include, and how to fulfill the FAIR principles.

Approaching the topic from a practical project management perspective, the speakers emphasize that open access and data management go hand in hand in Horizon 2020. For EU funded projects open access means first of all open access to scientific information in terms of access to scientific research articles and access to scientific research data. As Gabriella mentions, there are normally three options how to give access to scientific information - deposit it in an open repository, publish in an open access journal, and publish it openly (e.g. on the website). She describes all these options in detail and goes on with providing insights regarding timeframes, metadata, publisher’s policies, and costs of publications.

Further, Gabriella introduces the concepts of data management and gives an overview of questions you need to ask yourself while working on data management in Horizon 2020 projects. She points out that one should not forget that costs are eligible for management and publication under Horizon 2020. Thus, they must be calculated at the proposal stage. As she says, when calculating data management, you should consider the following issues - costs responsible staff, hardware and software, charges to data repositories, and journal publication.

The second part of the webinar is dedicated to FAIR principles, where Frosina outlines the main principles that should be applied to research data and emphasizes that these abstract principles should be adapted to your own context. That is the core of FAIR data strategy in EU funded projects. Further, Frosina explains every step of FAIR principles in detail - namely, how to make your Horizon 2020 data findable, accessible, interoperated, and re-usable.

After presenting these principles Frosina presents how to share research data and how to deal with different access options and levels in EU funded projects. What access levels are there for Horizon 2020 data? The research data can be open to everyone (public use file), under embargo (accessible after a certain date/period), limited to a certain user group (only registered users, campus, etc.), on request, and closed (data centres). An important topic of ethical issues involved in data management of EU funded projects is covered by Frosina as well.

Interested in data management in H2020?

Watch the webinar and manage successfully your research data.

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